I know myself
We share ourselves with others
I am confident speaking in front of others
We are able to work out conflicts effectively
I am not afraid to push myself
We want to improve the world
I am resourceful solving problems on my own
We have experience in the workplace
I have a plan for the future
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Small Classes

Class sizes range from 2 to 8 students allowing each student to get a personalized education right at their level

Real World Application

In classes, academic material is tied to real world applications. Outside the classroom, students learn real-world skills by holding Clerkship positions in the school and internships out in the community

Project Based Learning

Classes use inquiry-based instruction in conjunction with hands-on projects instead of focusing on lecture-driven teaching

Interest-based Classes

Student interests are integral to what is taught both in core academic classes and in electives. The topics of the core classes often focus on the areas students care about most. Electives are offered in subjects rarely taught at the K-12 level.

Whole-child, Skills-based Learning

Students learn not only academic skills but also interpersonal, socio-emotional and organizational skills. There is a focus on students becoming practitioners of each discipline, so that our students learn to be scientists, historians, artists and mathematicians, as well finding a place for reading and writing in their lives


Each student has a teacher mentor who they meet with weekly to get support with organization skills, keeping caught up with assignments, goal setting, self-regulation, planning for the future, interpersonal skills, etc.

Student Empowerment

Longview is an egalitarian school community in which all community members, students, and teachers alike, are equally empowered. All the rules are made in the one person, one vote democratic School Meeting. All the rules are enforced by the Judicial Committee, our student court. Everyone is equally respected and listened to, regardless of age, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

Offering Rolling Admissions

SchEdule a Tour

Excerpts of Graduation 2022

Director Speech: What Is Graduation?


Longview School
571 North Main Street
Brewster NY 10509
Call: 845-259-8259
Fax: 845-350-4076
Email : info@longviewschool.org

Upper Elementary

Middle and High

Parent & Student Reviews

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